Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays to all. Looks like we get snow for Christmas here in Chugiak, Alaska. Only a few days left before we begin our journey to the World Championships. We've been so busy training we haven't really even begun to pack yet so this next weekend will be a busy one. We race Saturday at the Montana Creek Dog Mushers track and then again on Sunday at the Chugiak Dog Mushers Beach Lake trail system. The plan is to pull out of here first thing Monday morning so we'll see if that really happens.

1 comment:

Tundralady said...

Hey Jen & Nathan looks like you have the blog figured out. Yipeee. I will be on the road headed back to Chugiak from Paxson on monday so if you run into trouble between here and there we are within reach. Be safe and good luck to you.